Superhero: “Intrapersonal, interpersonal and soft skills awareness for the development of social competences”

KA220-SCH: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032494



SUPERHERO has as its main goal the rising awareness not only of students, but also families, educative staff and the
whole community, about their capacity to answer their everyday problems. Also, the project wants to raise awareness and
value those close people who face difficult situations and those who work in worthy causes (non-profit organizations,
health professionals, volunteers, members of security bodies, carers of the elderly, etc.). All of them will be our
anonymous heroes who will serve as references during the course of the project, as well as the mirror to look at ourselves
in order to develop in the students and families the initiative to overcome challenges and, at the same time, being able to
help others.


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Our President

Through projects  we can continue with our mission: to empower people, groups, organisations and communities to respond autonomously to the demands and needs of the social inclusion process. 

and uploads on Spotify and You-Tube.


SPAIN: Coordinator


TURKEY: Partner


SPAIN: Partner

ROMANIA: Partner

Friends of Children in Romania

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